Smart Electric Switch, Control by Mobile App (Android/IOS)

Smart Electric Switch Wipro

Smart Switch or Smart Electric Switch or Smart Plug – is an electric switch that works like traditional electric switch but can be controlled (on/off) through smart devices like remote, phones, alexa, google assistant etc. through internet. The smart switch also has some added advantages like monitoring units consumed, scheduling on/off etc.

In your home, there are usually two types of socket, smaller ones ( usually upto 6A) for running small devices like Fans, TV’s, chargers, stereo, lamps etc) and heavy ones ( usually 16A | also called as Power Plugs) for running heavier equipment like air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. The 10 Amp Wipro Smart Plug is useful for running smaller loads.

What is Smart Electric Switch ?

A Smart Electric Switch is  an electrical switch that can Turn ON/OFF your POWER appliances (Ac, Geyser, Heater, Water Pump, Washing Machine) anytime-anywhere using mobile application or web browser on your desktop.

How is Smart Electric Switch Helpful ?

Well, A smart electrical switch may assist you in more ways than you can imagine outright.

Save Electricity Bills, End to your worries:

Many a times, we forget to switch of A/C , heater and other devices while going out of the room and remember later. The not so smart devices remain switch ON and waste electricity, add up your utility bill. Smart Switches can help you save on bills as they give you ability to Switch ON /OFF from anywhere-anytime.

IF you are of the type that usually forgets to switch OFF A/C and other devices while leaving room and then wonder about that whether you switched off the A/C or not. Then the smart switch can help you save that worry too, you just need to open the mobile app and check device status if it ON, simply switch it off.

Added Comfort:

Smart plugs can help you add comfort to your living. Like when you are about to arrive at your home with your guests and need the house to be cool. You can switch ON the AC from your car and have a cooled up room at your service.

Coolness Quotient

Majority of such switches are also pair-able with smart devices like Amazon Alexa Echo. So, you can basically command your Alexa Echo to switch on/off the  almost anything, even things which are not smart like Fans/lights etc.

How Smart Electric Switch function ?

The Smart Switches get connected to your wifi and through that into their cloud server. When you download the APP and register the switch then both you mobile and the switch get connected to the Cloud server. And so now you can command your switch ON/OFF from your mobile.

Are these available in India ?

Yes, they are available in India with less choices. You can purchase a smart electric switch from Amazon and configure the same reading user manuals.

Recommendation for Smart Plugs

Though there are multiple brands to choose from, Yellow Haze recommends using Wipro Smart Plug as:

  • Wipro Smart Plugs have maximum 10 Ampere current rating, where mostly other brands have 6 ampere ratings. This provides more safety in case the appliance draws more current.
  • Wipro Smart Plugs have an Energy Monitoring system, which enables you to monitor how much units of electricity the connected appliances consumes.
  • Can be voice controlled by both Amazon Alexa & Google Assistant.
  • Manufactured by Wipro, trustworthy brand in the segment.
  • Allows Scheduling your devices to turn on and off at set times throughout the day (Especially useful for running water motors, outdoor lights)
  • The Wipro Smart Plug is priced at around 50%  of other devices.
  • You can check the status of each one from your Wipro Next App and turn off ones that you forget to turn off.