On 12th October 20202, the department of Heavy Industry, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Government of India released an Expression of Interest (EOI) Inviting Proposals for availing incentives under Fame India Scheme Phase II for deployment of EV charging infra on Highways & Expressways.
1. Background:
Government of India has approved Phase-II of FAME India Scheme [Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India], for 3 years commencing from 1st April 2019. Its main focus is the electrification of public & shared transportation. The detailed notification of the scheme is available at www.dhi.gov.in.
Under Phase-II of the FAME India Scheme, Government of India (GoI) intends to support the development of EV charging infrastructure by extending capital grant to organizations for promoting the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs).
Department of Heavy Industry had invited an Expression of Interest dated 28th Aug 2019 from public and private entities for setting up EV charging stations within cities. After evaluation of proposals received, the Government sanctioned 2877 EV charging stations to 22 public entities.
This EOI is being issued for inviting proposals from any Govt. Organization/Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) (State/Central)/Govt DISCOM/ Oil Public Sector Undertaking and similar other Public/Private entities to build and operate Public EV charging infrastructure on major Highways/Expressways. For simplicity, these bodies/corporations are referred to as ‘entity’/ ‘entities’ in subsequent paragraphs of this EOI.
2. Coverage:
Proposals for installation of charging stations are invited from entities that intend to build and operate charging infrastructure in any of the following highways/expressway for the complete stretch of the highway/expressway (Full Coverage):

3. Definitions:
a. Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE): Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) includes the electrical equipment external to the electric vehicle that provides a connection for an electric vehicle to a power source for charging and is also equipped with advanced features like Smart Metering, Cellular Capability and Network Connectivity.
b. EV Charging Station: For this EOI, EV Charging Station is defined as a station with a set of Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) equipped with advanced features like Smart metering, Cellular capability and Network connectivity capable of fast charging or slow charging of electrical vehicles, along with associated upstream electrical infrastructure and conforming to National or International standards in force.
4. EV Public charging stations,
identified to be installed as in Para 2 and as defined in Ministry of Power’s revised guidelines/standards dated 1st October, 2019, are earmarked for deployment on Highways/Expressways, as per the coverage stated above. These charging stations will be considered for sanction to different entities after evaluation of the proposals received under this EOI.
Type of EV Chargers mandatory at each charging station (at-least one at every 25 kms on both sides of Highway/Roads) | Type of EV Chargers Optional |
Fast chargers – At least one CCS II (Minimum 50 KW) or CHAdeMO (Minimum 50 KW) or higher capacity and one DC 001 (15 KW) | Bharat AC-001 (10 KW) | Type 2 AC (22 KW) |
At least one charging station comprising of at least one CCS II (Minimum 50 KW) Charger & one DC001 (15KW) and at least one charging station comprising of at least one CHAdeMO (Minimum 50 KW) Charger & one DC001 (15KW) is to be installed in each interval of four Charging Stations.
Long Range/Heavy Duty EV Charger: At least one charger of minimum 100 kW (200-750 V or higher), each of different specification if more than one, (CCS/CHAdeMO or any fast charger as approved by DST/BIS for above capacity) with single connector gun to be installed after each of three Charging stations as mentioned in the table above.
Download Complete EOI: