Rooftop Solar Power System
Rooftop Solar System means solar power system installed at rooftops of residents, commercial buildings, institutions and industrial buildings. Electricity generated from these systems can be (1) used for self consumption (2) Fed into the grid at regulated feed in tariffs.
Solar Rooftop System provides following benefits
- Utilisation of available vacant roof space.
- Low gestation period – payback in 5-6 years.
- Lower transmission and distribution losses.
- Improvement in the tail-end grid voltages and reduction of system congestion
- Loss mitigation by utilisation of distribution network as a source of storage through net metering.
- Long term energy and ecological security by reduction in carbon emission.
- Meeting of the renewable purchase obligations (RPOs) of obligated entities, which are targeted at 8% of electricity consumption
- Minimal technical losses as power consumption and generation are co-located.
Types of Rooftop Solar Solution
- On Grid Solar
- Off Grid Solar
- Grid Tied With Battery – Hybrid
On-Grid Rooftop Solar System
On Grid Solar System Generates power when the electricity grid is available. This must be connected to electricity grid to function. On-Grid Solar System sends excess power generated back to the grid when there is overproduction of power, which can used later.
How does On-Grid Rooftop Solar Power system work?
On-Grid Solar Power systems are connected to the public electricity grid and have no battery storage. Any solar power that you generate from an on-grid system (and do not use in your house) is exported onto the electricity grid. You usually get paid for the net-energy that you export.
Off-Grid Rooftop Solar System
Off Grid Solar System requires battery storage as it as it is not connected to electricity grid. An off-grid system requires battery storage and is not connected to the electricity grid. In these a solar technician needs to design a system in such a way that has enough power generation and battery storage to meet the home’s requirements even in the depths of winter when there is no or little sunlight. Off-grid systems are comparatively more expensive than on-grid system because of the high cost of batteries and usually found only in remote areas that are far from any electricity grid. As battery costs are declining there is a growth in the market for battery storage.
How does off-grid Rooftop Solar power systems work?
When sunlight hits the solar panels, electricity is produced. The electricity then runs from the solar panels through an inverter. The inverter turns the power that is direct current into alternating current, which can be used for electronic appliances at our home.
Grid Tied With Battery – Hybrid 
Hybrid system allows one to store power in batteries for use, when the power grid goes down or if you are not on the electricity grid. These systems provide power to offset the grid power when the sun is shining and will even send excess power to the grid for credit, which can be used later.
How does Hybrid Solar Power System work?
The hybrid solar power system combines the advantages of both the on-grid and off-grid solar solutions. In this the battery stores power that is generated during the day, and using it at night. When the stored power in the batteries runs out, the grid is still there as for the back up, allowing consumers to have the best of both.
Also when the battery system gets fully charged and electricity generated is now utilized by the consumer, the hybrid system sends the extra electricity generated to the grid, decreasing the electricity bill of consumer.
Financially, the rooftop power solutions are available in different financial models, including the zero investment financial model.